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Art as Global Social Witnessing

Art as Global Social Witnessing
This keynote experience will kick off three days of GSW workshops with 12 artists, including various mediums such as visual art, dance, music, poetry and film. Thomas will frame how artists witness the world,  creating a strong coherence between themselves, their direct audience and the world. As the artist witnesses various dimensions from subtle energies to materialized items and events, s/he transmits a greater awareness of the patterns that we typically overlook or assume are “normal”. More often than not, these unseen patterns are symptoms of a traumatized world, which we were born into and accepted as our destiny. Artists and their work facilitate a co-witnessing of the world for anyone who is willing to look. This event will include a talk from Thomas, live Q&A, and a guided practice.

Event Timeslots (1)

March 15th
Thomas Hübl "Art as Global Social Witnessing"