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Bee James

Bee originally trained as an actor at LAMDA and worked for many years in the British theatre including four years as a leading actress at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London.
She joined Olivier Mythodrama Associates in 2003 bringing Myth/Shakespeare to the world of leadership and organizations and she now a senior program leader and experienced  facilitator and coach delivering courses to a wide variety of global buisinesses. Her areas of expertise are communication and presence.
Bee is fully trained in PBSP- body-based psychotherapy, Family Constellations and is just completing a three year Somatic Experience trauma training.
She has a keen interest in her own and others personal transformation and for the last 5 years she has also been studying with spiritual teacher Thomas Hubl. She is a member of his assistance team and core group. Bee has three children and lives in the Wiltshire countryside with her family from where she and her husband also run an large event centre. Here she is developing her 1-1 work.